So when in the car on the way to go hiking the other week james put on the top gun sound track
i was all whats this
james replies only the greatest thing ever
i was ok..........
so then we end up watching top gun
and man i loved it
the whole
yeh thats right im am dangerous !!!!!
and all the epic jet shots and the music then made sense
so seeing as i think ive left my sun glasses at elizabeths (have i aunty) i decided screw it i need some aviators
and here they are
they are super shiny and i love blitzing round with them on
so in the past week or so its been more job hunting and i went accross to america for the day
so in the past week or so its been more job hunting and i went accross to america for the day
this was due to my work visa coming through
But i had to activate it so i had to leave canada and cross an international border
easyiest way to do this is to head out to port angeles on the ferry
its an hour and a half each way
but i may have kinda made the ferry late....
This is due to the dear US border gaurds wanting to search my bags ask me questions take my finger prints ask me what i was planning on doing in the us etc etc
so ended up being late thanks to them
Port angeles
A sleepy little place
really sunny with a few nice views but yeh it was a saturday and it was quieter than melksham you know
i cant imagine the kids out there have a lot to do
its a mecca for twilight fans
and thats about all there is to do there
they advertise 8 blocks of shops
i counted 5
at a push
so i killed a few hours there the plan had been to go to Forks for major twilightage
but na thanks to the ferry being late (my bad)
i didnt get to go there
i do plan to go back there though on my trip to san fran
just need a car ......... any offers guys???
Then on the way back in i got stopped and detained by the canadian guys for about 40 minutes while they went over visa's and the whole are you who you say your are can you prove this do you have a job do you plan to go to school here
but it was funny they detained 3 of us
all young guys
all dressed in hoodies and walking boots with a few days growth on the chin
funny isnt it
the 3rd guy came in and was like hmmmm i see a pattern emerging here
so yeh eventually got out of there and went and got a coffee thinking i had earned it and im sure i had you know walking all that way lol
sunday went for a masssive bike ride (and purchased the aviators ) it was such a beautiful day was sooo sunny and warm it was great
(oh yeh ps on saturday i handed in an application to mountain equipment co-op an amazing outward bound gear shop i would loveee to get that job so would james he would love the discount )
when i got back to jameses about 3 i had a chill read some harry potter woooo in the sun on the balcony and then we went for a masssive run till like half six
we were both dead apres ca
but he had to go study so him and sheena (his girl friend) headed out to a coffee shop to do some
we were out of milk so i valiently dedicated my evening to finding some
this was a mistake
the store was ages away and my already aching legs were like theo you idiot
but i got to the store and found milk woop and then trekked back to jwm's and went to sleep after a little more harry potter
but i got to the store and found milk woop and then trekked back to jwm's and went to sleep after a little more harry potter
oh yeh also on my ride around victoria on sunday i found this sweeet bridge and were the picture is taken from there is this amazing grassy slope that is soo nice on a sunny day
you can watch the float planes taking off and they bank right over you its just amazing to watch
but back to the bridge its all archaic and cool and the girders are starting to rust its amazing i love that bridge lol
any how im going to head to bed its 11 here so aidios amigos
much love