ok guys sorry i havent posted in froever lifes been busyyy
so biggest thing is i moved
i now live at 811 craigflower
v9a 2w8
victoria bc
and its a sick old pad
my buddy from work kyler was all hey need a place i was like yeh why not and so i moved in about 3 weeks ago now and im loving it
we are above a grocery store so after 9pm we can make pretty much as much noise as we like and we have full roof top access which is so cool
so we have a little bit of decking out there with our couch and barbie on and then on the rest of the roof weve got some tables and chairs and kylers sick little garden
also lonnie gave us a bunch of coloured pool lights so we are in the process of rigging them up for night time illumination
so yeh what else have i been up to well ive been working a bunch to support the general food and housing needs as well as the cost of partying and doing various things like buzzing off to saltspring island for a day or so and going tubing
tubing rocked a bunch of about 20 of us from kabuki went on the cowichan river in a bunch of inflatable tubes and for the majority explorer 100 boats
the 100 is a fine vessel definatly built for cruising down rivers and navigating rapids
well we ( that is team euro and myself ((team euro consisting of me and the two swedes oskar and marckus) decided to step things up a notch and so navigated the rapids backwards for the most part
it was a general shit show as ever
also on some of our nights out we have done many memorable things including supporting the gay pride festival in which we got a bunch of free drinks and the drag show was real good yeh thats were all of the guys ended up topless in the middle of the gay bar and oskar flipping the 30 set stairs and sticking it
that was sooo impressive
also we had the best sunday ever we (team euro lonnie and kyler) just got some beers grabbed a guitar and headed out to see what we would find at the beach
we found just the most amazing spot ever it was a little trek from anywere else and there was this sick decking up in the trees and it overlooked a little cove in which there was a concrete pipe accross the mouth which had trapped a load of drift wood so it was like a floating floor and so it was all moving and undulating
and then a bald eagle with a rabbit in its talons literally flew down and landed probably 30 ft away and it sat there for a while till a couple of crows started getting all anal and just kept dive bombing bob (oh yeh thats what we named our eagle friend)
and then like halfway through the afternoon kyler just started playing one of his songs and it was just a perfect time and situation and place and he reallly has some awesome pipes on him
so yeh it was one of those perfect days were everything falls into place
what else hmmmmm
ooh canada day shit show when team euro decided to go round giving out our phone numbers still getting harrassed by some girls that was one of our less well thaught out plans
me jess and kyler went up to thetus lake ( i kept thinking people were calling it fetus lake blummin accents lol ) and it was soo nice we hung out in boats on the water and did a lil jumping in off of stuff
so yeh im not coming back till this time next year ass 1 im having tooo much fun 2 my work visa has aaagggeeees to run on it and 3 im ready to do the whole uni thing yet
in all honesty this has been the best thing ive ever done
yep its a big call but yeh its just immense out here it really is home :)