Wednesday, 8 December 2010

the aussie invasion

hey guys
so its about the 8 of december
have been in the courtenay area since the 22nd dont quote me on that though.
My conclusion is i love it up here
got a great crew of lads and lasses most of them seem to be those aussies though
so ive learned how to say i am from australia from cam
it goes something like this
im frommmm 'stralllliiiaaaa
he's one of the cona lads
The cona lads being Cam aka disco Austin aka snowflake ed aka ed... (hasnt done anything stupid enough to get a nickname) sam (the one local guy in the entire hostel) and myself aka weasley (we could all see that one coming)
The crew has changed a little from the start we lost dando, flo, zac and will various houses around town but they still pop in for a little table football session or if theres something going on in an evening this seems to be the converging place.
so to work
we've opened
did that last friday (the 3rd)
luckily i had the day off so with austin and johno ( my future roomie up on the mountain ) we spent the day boarding and we had blue sky weather
it was fantastic
hit up the powder for the first time ever in my life and darn its fun just hearing that crumple crumple under your feet
takes a bit of getting used to but im starting to get it
friday night was chilled as we had been on the beers on thursday as we had the day off on friday
then saturday had my first real day of work
i was on the hawk lift ( its a high speed 6 pack lift ) its possibly the busiest lift on the mountain as it gives access to the boomer lift (this is the lift to the back side of the mountain which is full on double black runs ) but also has a couple of super easy green runs and a few fun blue runs so every man and his dog and his kid come through this lift as it has the most varied terrain.
and it was awesome
another blue sky day
there was 6 of us working it instead of the usual 4 just because it was opening weekend so we paired up into 3 teams
me and dezy
austin and the south african girl
then the 2 aussie lasses faf and caris
so that made 1 brit 1 south african and 4 aussies a nice commenwealth team
we did all the set up put the gates out sorted the ramp out stuck up the signs tested the instrument panels worked and they we fired her up
me and desy took first shift at the bottom with faf and caris up the top
austin and his partner went for a ride break
then we rotated so me and desy were up the top with faf and caris riding
we kept rotating throughout the day
it worked a treat
so got in a good hour and a half of riding in total
was stokkkeeed
sunday i was on the whiskey jack with dave'o mattie and ed
sunday couldnt have been any different to saturday
cold winds fog and snow
the best place to be was at the top of the lift in the drive station hut
it was soooo warm
due to the weather and the lack of people coming on the lift we just had a half day so we were all done by midday so riding was the name of the game
sunday night we ended up at faf's place and we had a little gathering
monday was a day off so rode all day
monday night was karioke in the avalanche
it resulted in someone deciding that we (as a group of lifties ) should sing bohemian rhapsody
only problem was when it was time only me and alex went up with the rest of them either being wusses or out having a fag
so we were left up there to die untill suddenly the other 8 of us ran up jumped onto the stage and we rocked it out haha
tuesday was more riding but we had this horrible super wet powder that just stuck so you couldnt get anywhere fast and as it was snow/raining you got super soaked after a few mins so after 4 or 5 runs me and ben (aussie ben) decided to go sit and drink coffee / hot chocolate in the lodge
it was a great idea got warm drank free hot chocolate
and i even bumped into mike the mechanic from kabuki
was good to catch up
and thats that

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